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#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_SIZE 100
// Global variable to represent the top of the stack
int top = -1;
// Function to check if the stack is empty
int isEmpty() {
return top == -1;
// Function to check if the stack is full
int isFull() {
return top == MAX_SIZE - 1;
// Function to push an element onto the stack
void push(int value, int stk[]) {
if (isFull()) {
printf("Stack is full. Cannot push %d.\n", value);
stk[++top] = value;
printf("%d pushed onto the stack.\n", value);
// Function to pop an element from the stack
int pop(int stk[]) {
if (isEmpty()) {
printf("Stack is empty. Cannot pop.\n");
return -1;
int value = stk[top--];
printf("%d popped from the stack.\n", value);
return value;
// Function to print the stack
void printStack(int stk[]) {
if (isEmpty()) {
printf("Stack is empty.\n");
printf("Stack: ");
for (int i = 0; i <= top; i++) {
printf("%d ", stk[i]);
int main() {
int stk[MAX_SIZE]; // Local stack array
push(10, stk);
push(20, stk);
push(30, stk);
return 0;